Recipe: Appetizing Bubur Nasi @ Nasi Air Klate

Bubur Nasi @ Nasi Air Klate.

Bubur Nasi @ Nasi Air Klate You can have Bubur Nasi @ Nasi Air Klate using 25 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Bubur Nasi @ Nasi Air Klate

  1. Prepare of Nasi.
  2. It's of beras.
  3. It's of air.
  4. You need of Sup Tulang.
  5. Prepare of air (kalo nk lebih sup lebihkan air).
  6. It's of daging lembu.
  7. It's of tulang lembu.
  8. You need of pek Rempah sup tulang bunjut.
  9. You need of inci halia ketuk @ hiris halus.
  10. You need of Beberapa tangkai akar ketumbar.
  11. You need of kiub pati ayam.
  12. It's of senduk sos ikan.
  13. Prepare of senduk kicap pekat (kalo x suka hitam bole kurangkan).
  14. Prepare of Bahan Aksesori (optional).
  15. You need of Kacang tumbuk.
  16. You need of Lobak masin.
  17. It's of Serbuk cili.
  18. You need of Ikan bilis.
  19. Prepare of Daging rebus yg dipotong kecil.
  20. You need of ketumbar.
  21. Prepare of Bawang goreng.
  22. You need of Telur masin.
  23. It's of bawang.
  24. It's of Limau nipis.
  25. You need of Cili jeruk.

Bubur Nasi @ Nasi Air Klate step by step

  1. Masak nasi mcm biasa cuma lebihkan air supaya nasi jd lembik mcm bubur.
  2. Utk sup, rebus tulang dan daging sampai empuk. Bila dah empuk bole keluarkan daging dan masuk rencah2 sup mcm biasa. Senang je campak sume dlm periuk tgu hingga mendidih dan bole perasakan dgn garam dan gula.
  3. Nasi dgn sup dah siap, bole hidang dgn aksesori pilihan. Lg byk aksesori lg sedap tp antara bahan wajib ialah kacang tumbuk, serbuk cili, limau nipis, lobak asin dan ikan bilis selain ayam carik @ daging.
  4. .


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